Ethiopia demo
Printing cases
Indian blind
Villager listening

Share $10 SeedPlayers around the world

We love partnering with others to distribute solar-powered audio Bible SeedPlayers to the blind, children, soldiers, the homeless, the elderly, and many others in places like Ukraine, Haiti, the Philippines, Ethiopia, the U.S., and Mozambique! Even so, we always have more requests for SeedPlayers than we can fill.

Because we are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit run by volunteers, and the SeedPlayers are also assembled by volunteers, we are able to keep our costs very low -- about $10 to produce and distribute each player.

All donations are tax-deductible and, to meet IRS requirements, our parent organization (Resources for the Blind International) maintains full control and discretion over all gifts.

Give online:

By eCheck or credit card:

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Or by check:

516 Nobscot Road
Knoxville, TN 37919

Make checks payable to "SeedPlayer".

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