An Emerging Solution

Informal discussions at the 2018 International Orality Network Conference surfaced the idea of producing a lower-cost audio player. Because of a compelling need among the blind for such a device for evangelism and discipleship, Resources for the Blind International has taken the lead in developing such a player.

We have now developed what we believe is a "minimum viable player" -- that can be mass-produced and distributed in the $10 range. Despite this price level, the SeedPlayer has sophisticated 4-level navigation, enabling the equivalent of an entire bookshelf of content.

We feel the $10 price point is psychologically important, both as a clear, motivating target, and also for the potential to enable distribution rates for low-end, seed-sowing uses of two to three times that of higher-end players.

Our mission is to encourage a new class of simple, low-cost devices, probably from multiple manufacturers, allowing ministries to think about new use cases, and distribution at previously economically-prohibitive seed!

We aren't there yet. We believe that, with sufficient resources, focus, and scale, a good quality player in the $5 range may eventually be attainable.

We can't do this alone -- if you are a "pray-er", or have expertise, demand, or resources, we'd love to hear from you!
Spreadsheet of component prices

Small circuit board with microSD card, battery, and penny for size reference

Sketch of possible player design Another player sketch

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